
科目授業名称(和文) Name of the subject/class (in Japanese)
科目授業名称(英文) Name of the subject/class (in English)
Special Study 2A on Fire Science
授業コード Class code
科目番号 Course number

水野 雅之、萩原 一郎、柳田 信也、土橋 律、桑名 一徳
Masayuki Mizuno, Shinya Yanagita, Kazunori Kuwana, Ichiro Hagiwara, Ritsu Dobashi

2024 First Semester
Class hours
Intensive Lectures

開講学科・専攻 Department
創域理工学研究科 国際火災科学専攻

Department of Global Fire Science and Technology, Graduate School of Science and Technology
単位数 Course credit
授業の方法 Teaching method

Graduation research
外国語のみの科目(使用言語) Course in only foreign languages (languages)
授業の主な実施形態 Main class format
① [対面]対面授業/ [On-site] On-site class

概要 Description

Lesson taken in the second year of Master's Course
Through the first half of the second year, conduct necessary research for the research themes determined in the first year, do experiment, organize past literature together with carrying out the review, and create the data.
Through the second half of the second year, do the analysis and discussion based on the research result obtained in the first half of the second year, and summarize them and complete the master's thesis.
目的 Objectives

This course, as a continuous study of the Special Studies 1A and 1B on Fire Science, is proceeded according to the research planning which was proposed in Master’s first year. Cultivate presentation skills and ability to create papers, through experience of presentation at domestic and international conference, and of submitting academic papers to journals.
This course is designed to provide students with research ability as stipulated in the diploma policy of the Department.
到達目標 Outcomes

Through the first half of the second year, conduct necessary research for the research themes determined in the first year, do experiment, organize past literature together with carrying out the review, and create the data.Through the second half of the second year, do the analysis and discussion based on the research result obtained in the first half of the second year, and summarize them and complete the master's thesis.
リンク先の [評価項目と科目の対応一覧]から確認できます(学部対象)。
​You can check this from “Correspondence table between grading items and subjects” by following the link(for departments).
履修上の注意 Course notes prerequisites
Lecture will be given in Japanese or English, depending on the student.
アクティブ・ラーニング科目 Teaching type(Active Learning)
課題に対する作文 Essay/ディベート・ディスカッション Debate/Discussion/グループワーク Group work/プレゼンテーション Presentation

準備学習・復習 Preparation and review

Preparation and Review
As preparation for the seminar by supervisor, proceed work relevant to the research for the master's thesis, and review based on the research guidance and opinions in the seminar.
成績評価方法 Performance grading policy
For students who have not taken the Special Study 2B on Fire Science yet, report the results of day-to-day research activities in the seminar by supervisor, and performance is evaluated according to contents of the report and to the attendance of the seminar. Corresponding to the task given by supervisors as part of the training also is to be evaluated.

For students who have already taken the Special Study 2B on Fire Science, performance is evaluated according to contents of the day-to-day report of research activities, the contents of the master's thesis, the contents of the presentation and question-and-answer session at the master thesis defense.
学修成果の評価 Evaluation of academic achievement

・S:Achieved outcomes, excellent result
・A:Achieved outcomes, good result
・B:Achieved outcomes
・C:Minimally achieved outcomes
・D:Did not achieve outcomes
・-:Failed to meet even the minimal requirements for evaluation

教科書 Textbooks/Readings
教科書の使用有無(有=Y , 無=N) Textbook used(Y for yes, N for no)
書誌情報 Bibliographic information
MyKiTSのURL(教科書販売サイト) URL for MyKiTS(textbook sales site)
教科書および一部の参考書は、MyKiTS (教科書販売サイト) から検索・購入可能です。

It is possible to search for and purchase textbooks and certain reference materials at MyKiTS (online textbook store).

参考書・その他資料 Reference and other materials
Nothing special

授業計画 Class plan
This course, as a continuous study of the Special Studies 1A and 1B on Fire Science, is proceeded according to the research planning which was proposed in Master’s first year. Cultivate presentation skills and ability to create papers, through experience of presentation at domestic and international conference, and of submitting academic papers to journals.

1) 得られた成果をさらに発展させるべく、実験的・理論的解析を行い、どういった結論を導出できるか等、精緻な論理的思考・問題解決を鍛える。
2) 中間発表での英語による口頭発表や討論の機会を通じて、質疑応答の技術的な指導を受け,データの分析方法や考察の仕方、研究方法の妥当性の確認、研究成果のまとめ方を学ぶ。
3) 構築した研究資料とデータをもとに分析考察を行い、論文作成を進める。

Students who will take this course in the first semester of their second year (students who have already taken the Special Study 2B on Fire Science course)
1) Train the ability of logical thinking and problem solving by conducting experiments and theoretical analysis for further developed results.
2) Through the opportunity of English oral presentations and discussions in the interim presentation workshop, received the technical guidance of the question-and-answer, learn methods of analysis and discussion of how the data, confirmation of the validity of the research methods, way of summarize the research results.
3) Conduct experiments and theoretical analysis of documents and data, carry out the master's thesis.

1) 得られた研究の成果を取りまとめて修士論文を作成する。
2) 修士論文の作成を行う過程で当該分野に関する高度の専門知識を修得するとともに、精緻な論理的思考能力、問題解決能力や研究遂行能力を養う。
3) 日常的なゼミでのレジュメ作成,プレゼンテーションや討論の機会を通じて、論文作成能力や口頭発表の技術を養う。

Students who will take this course in the second semester of their second year (students who have already taken the Special Study 2B on Fire Science)
1) Complete a master's thesis by summarizing the research results.
2) In the course of writing the master's thesis, acquire a high degree of expertise, cultivate sophisticated logical thinking skills, problem-solving ability and research ability.
3) Resume creation in the day-to-day seminar, through the opportunity of presentations and discussions, cultivate the skills of paper making capacity and oral presentations.

授業担当者の実務経験 Work experience of the instructor of the class
教育用ソフトウェア Educational software

備考 Remarks

授業でのBYOD PCの利用有無 Whether or not students may use BYOD PCs in class
授業での仮想PCの利用有無 Whether or not students may use a virtual PC in class