
科目授業名称(和文) Name of the subject/class (in Japanese)
技術経営入門 (春)
科目授業名称(英文) Name of the subject/class (in English)
Introduction to MOT (春)
授業コード Class code
科目番号 Course number

生越 由美、岸本 太一、若林 秀樹、日戸 浩之、中山 裕香子、加藤 晃、小林 憲司、田村 浩道、井上 悟志、諏訪園 貞明、青木 英彦
Hidehiko Aoki, Satoshi Inoue, Yumi Ogose, Akira Kato, Taichi Kishimoto, Kenji Kobayashi, Sadaaki Suwazono, Hiromichi Tamura, Yukako Nakayama, Hiroyuki Nitto, Hideki Wakabayashi

2024 Spring Semester
Class hours
Friday 6-7th

開講学科・専攻 Department
経営学研究科 技術経営専攻

Department of Management of Technology, Graduate School of Management
単位数 Course credit
授業の方法 Teaching method

外国語のみの科目(使用言語) Course in only foreign languages (languages)
授業の主な実施形態 Main class format
③ [遠隔]ハイフレックス型授業/ [Remote] Hybrid-Flexible format (may include less than 50% classes held on-site)

概要 Description
  • MOTの全教員によるオムニバス授業
  • 本科目設置の狙い及び専攻の目的との連関性を踏まえ、専攻が提供する教育の全容を含む技術経営全般に関する知識・実務等について学ぶ。

Omnibus classes taught by all MOT faculty members
Based on the purpose of establishing this subject and its relationship with the purpose of the major, students will learn knowledge and practical matters related to technology management in general, including the overall education provided by the major.

目的 Objectives
  • 本科目は、基盤科目であり、ディプロマ・ポリシーの1〜3の⼒をつける。
  • 教育領域におけるCEO/COO、CFO、CTO、CMO、CIO/CDO、CHRO、起業家、その他CXO/ステークフォルダー的知見を身につける。
  • 全授業科目を履修、グラデュエーションペーパーを作成する上で、必要な共通の知見を体得する。
  • グループワークや発表会、更にはレポート作成などを経験し、MOTのカリキュラムに慣れる。

  • This subject is a foundation subject and will develop skills in Diploma Policy 1 to 3.
  • Acquire the knowledge of CEO/COO, CFO, CTO, CMO, CIO/CDO, CHRO, entrepreneur, and other CXO/stakeholders in the education field.
  • Take all the classes and acquire the common knowledge necessary to create a graduation paper.
  • Students gain experience in group work, presentations, and report writing, and become familiar with the MOT curriculum.

到達目標 Outcomes
  • 教育領域におけるCEO/COO、CFO、CTO、CMO、CIO/CDO、CHRO、起業家、その他CXO/ステークフォルダー的知見を修得している。
  • MOTのカリキュラムの全貌、ポリシーを理解して、適切な学修に臨むことができる。
  • MOTの歴史や概要を理解するとともに、グラデュエーションペーパーの位置づけを理解することができる。
  • グラデュエーションペーパーを作成する上で、必要かつ共通の知見を体得することができる。

  • Students should acquire the knowledge of CEO/COO, CFO, CTO, CMO, CIO/CDO, CHRO, entrepreneur, and other CXO/stakeholders in the education field.
  • Students will be able to understand the entire MOT curriculum and policies and engage in appropriate study.
  • Students will be able to understand the history and outline of MOT as well as the positioning of Graduation Paper.
  • You will be able to acquire necessary and common knowledge when creating a graduation paper.

リンク先の [評価項目と科目の対応一覧]から確認できます(学部対象)。
​You can check this from “Correspondence table between grading items and subjects” by following the link(for departments).
履修上の注意 Course notes prerequisites
  • 内容を⼀部変更する場合もあり。
  • 本授業課題として提出するレポートは本科目履修生に共有することを原則とする。
  • 関連科目:ほとんどすべての科目と関連する。

  • This syllabus could be changed.
  • Reports submitted will be open to other students in the class.
  • Related subjects : All

アクティブ・ラーニング科目 Teaching type(Active Learning)
課題に対する作文 Essay/ディベート・ディスカッション Debate/Discussion/グループワーク Group work/プレゼンテーション Presentation/PBL (課題解決型学習) Problem-based learning

準備学習・復習 Preparation and review
  • 原則、資料は1週間前までにLETUS等で配信する。配信資料を手掛かりに広く議論できる準備を行うこと
  • 適時レポートを課し、授業復習に代わる学習と位置づける。

  • Materials will be distributed to the students on LETUS 1 week prior to the class. Prepare by reading them for discussion in the class.
  • Students may be requested to make reports as a class review.

成績評価方法 Performance grading policy
  • 授業貢献度については、その授業回を担当した教員が採点する。グループ発表と個人最終レポートは、主担当が中心となって採点する。
  • 授業への貢献度 30%
  • 個人最終レポート 30%
  • グループ発表 40%

The degree of contribution to class will be graded by the teacher in charge of the class. Group presentations and individual final reports will be graded by the main person in charge.
Contribution to class: 30%
Individual final report 30%
Group presentation 40%

学修成果の評価 Evaluation of academic achievement

・Absolute Evaluation
・S:Achieved outcomes, excellent result
・A:Achieved outcomes, good result
・B:Achieved outcomes
・C:Minimally achieved outcomes
・D:Did not achieve outcomes
・-:Failed to meet even the minimal requirements for evaluation

教科書 Textbooks/Readings
教科書の使用有無(有=Y , 無=N) Textbook used(Y for yes, N for no)
書誌情報 Bibliographic information
MyKiTSのURL(教科書販売サイト) URL for MyKiTS(textbook sales site)
教科書および一部の参考書は、MyKiTS (教科書販売サイト) から検索・購入可能です。

It is possible to search for and purchase textbooks and certain reference materials at MyKiTS (online textbook store).

参考書・その他資料 Reference and other materials

授業計画 Class plan


・専任教員講義① 青木
・専任教員講義② 諏訪園
・専任教員講義③ 生越
・専任教員講義④ 加藤
・専任教員講義⑤ 井上
・専任教員講義⑥ 田村
・専任教員講義⑦ 中山
・専任教員講義⑧ 日戸
・専任教員講義⑨ 若林
・専任教員講義⑩ 小林
・専任教員講義⑪ 岸本
・グループ発表準備(青木、中山、日戸 ※その他の教員は任意)
第8回(青木、中山、日戸 ※その他の教員は任意)
・グループ発表 Ⅰ
第9回(青木、中山、日戸 ※その他の教員は任意)
・グループ発表 Ⅱ

The basic policy is that full-time faculty members (11 people) will give lectures one session at a time on their own specialized topics related to technology management.

1st (Aoki)
・Learning at Science University MOT
2nd time
・Full-time faculty lecture ① Aoki
・Full-time faculty lecture ② Suwazono
・Full-time faculty lecture ③ Ogose
・Full-time faculty lecture ④ Kato
・Full-time faculty lecture ⑤ Inoue
・Full-time faculty lecture ⑥ Tamura
・Full-time faculty lecture ⑦ Nakayama
・Full-time faculty lecture ⑧ Nitto
・Full-time faculty lecture ⑨ Wakabayashi
・Full-time faculty lecture ⑩ Kobayashi
・Full-time faculty lecture ⑪ Kishimoto
・Group presentation preparation (Aoki, Nakayama, Nitto *Other teachers are optional)
*The theme of the group presentation is "Analyze the management issues of your company from an MOT perspective" (tentative).
8th (Aoki, Nakayama, Nitto *Other teachers are optional)
・Group presentation I
9th (Aoki, Nakayama, Nitto *Other teachers are optional)
・Group presentation II
*Group work presentations will be adjusted depending on the number of students taking the course (e.g., whether all groups will do it twice, or if they will do it over two days)

授業担当者の実務経験 Work experience of the instructor of the class


井上悟志国家公務員として中央省庁及び政府関係機関における勤務経験を活かし、政策の企画・立案 ・実行等に関する講義を行う。


諏訪園貞明: 日銀、公取委、経産省、内閣府・内閣官房などで様々な政策・法律改正案・条約案・予算案の企画・立案などを行ってきた経験を活かし、法制度・経済規制とはどのようなものか、各企業はどのように向き合うべきなどに関する講義を行う。



日戸浩之: コンサルタントとして約35年にわたって活動した実績を生かし、企業の経営戦略立案、マーケティング等の実務に即した授業、指導を行う。





Hidehiko Aoki: Until August 2020, worked as a securities analyst in charge of the retail industry for a total of 31 years. He has a wide network of contacts in industries such as retail, food, consumer goods, IT, and logistics, and strives to deliver lectures that combine theory with reality.

Satoshi Inoue: Lectures on policy planning and implementation based on his work experience as a national public servant at central ministries and government-related organizations.

Yumi Ogose: Lectures on intellectual property and research and development, drawing on her experience working as a national public servant and serving on councils and other committees at central ministries and government agencies.

Sadaaki Suwazono: Lectures on what legal systems and economic regulations are and how each company should deal with them, based on his experience in planning and drafting various policies, law amendments, treaty proposals, budget proposals, etc. at the Bank of Japan, JFTC, METI, Cabinet Office and Cabinet Secretariat.

Hiromichi Tamura: Prof. Tamura has been engaged in research of risk assets, mainly equities, for the past 30 years. He teaches courses aimed at acquiring practical knowledge based on his wide range of practical experience.

Yukako Nakayama: Based on her experience working as a researcher and consultant (in the information communication and media, distribution services, etc.), she gives lectures and provides guidance on new values and business models brought by digitalization, as well as on digitalization strategies.

Hiroyuki Nitto: The lecturer will give lectures and provide guidance regarding business practices, such as management strategy and corporate marketing, using experiences he gained as a consultant for the past 35 years.  

Hideki Wakabayashi:During my graduate school years, I conducted research in holographic image measurement. Subsequently, I gained experience at Nomura Research Institute and other Western companies. As an analyst in the semiconductor electronics industry, I achieved the top position in the NIKKEI rankings five times. I also ventured into entrepreneurship with hedge funds and accumulated operational experience.
Throughout my career, I have been involved in new business initiatives at NRI, managed roles as MD in Western companies, and participated in evaluations such as those in INCJ and as a technical committee member in NEDO. Additionally, my experiences as a judge in the Okanouchi Award and as a committee member in JUAA have honed my discernment skills.
I aim to utilize my extensive knowledge of the semiconductor and electronics industry, gained through participation in semiconductor digital conferences and JEITA semiconductor policy recommendation task forces. In designing classes, I strive for a two-way perspective that emphasizes abstraction and concretization, general solutions and special solutions, and a comprehensive view of the sciences and humanities. My goal is to create classes that are both innovative and entertaining.

Kenji Kobayashi:: After gaining experience in auditing and tax affairs at audit firms, etc., I performed M&A due diligence, restructuring and valuation as a director partner at a consulting firm. Also, as a representative of a corporate group centered on construction and real estate, I have experienced execution of overseas M&A and PMI of domestic M&A. He is currently the co-representative of a company that conducts M&A due diligence and valuation. He has been in the M&A business for nearly 20 years, so I hope I can pass on that experience.

Akira Kato: Provides classes aimed at acquiring practical knowledge based on practical experience at trading companies and non-life insurance companies (project management, subsidiary management, etc.) and academic management strategies.

教育用ソフトウェア Educational software

備考 Remarks

授業でのBYOD PCの利用有無 Whether or not students may use BYOD PCs in class
授業での仮想PCの利用有無 Whether or not students may use a virtual PC in class