
科目授業名称(和文) Name of the subject/class (in Japanese)
科目授業名称(英文) Name of the subject/class (in English)
Chemistry of Materials 2
授業コード Class code
科目番号 Course number

菊池 明彦
Akihiko Kikuchi

2023/ First semester
Class hours
Friday 1st period

開講学科・専攻 Department
先進工学部 マテリアル創成工学科

Department of Materials Science and Technology, Faculty of Advanced Engineering
単位数 Course credit
授業の方法 Teaching method

外国語のみの科目(使用言語) Course in only foreign languages (languages)
授業の主な実施形態 Main class format
ブレンド型授業(50%以上対面授業)/Blended format (over 50% classes on-site)

概要 Description

Organic chemistry is closely related to our daily life through many useful organic materials and substances such as pharmaceuticals, plastics, and fibers. Students will be able to understand that organic chemistry is an important field of natural science, to master the basics of organic chemistry, and to understand organic materials and organic substances related to our daily life and work through the understanding of the fundamentals of organic chemistry. This lecture is a "specialized subject" to cultivate the ability as a specialist in materials science and engineering, and is a part of achieving the objective of the department's diploma policy, "Fostering creative individuals who contribute to society based on their expertise in materials science and engineering. The department's diploma policy is to "cultivate creative individuals who can contribute to society based on their expertise in materials creation engineering.

目的 Objectives

Organic chemistry is an important discipline in the natural sciences, especially as it is fundamental to the understanding of organic materials, one of the three major materials. The objective of this lecture is to enable students to understand the fundamentals of organic chemistry and organic materials that are relevant to our daily lives and work through an understanding of organic chemistry.
到達目標 Outcomes

Students will be able to understand IUPAC nomenclature rules of organic compounds, carbon hybridization orbitals, and the fundamentals of organic reactions.
履修上の注意 Course notes prerequisites
アクティブ・ラーニング科目 Teaching type(Active Learning)
小テストの実施 Quiz type test/グループワーク Group work/プレゼンテーション Presentation/反転授業 Flipped classroom

準備学習・復習 Preparation and review

Before the lecture: Read the chapters and sections of the textbooks in the syllabus carefully, summarize the points in a notebook, and try to understand them. Write down the difficult points and points that you cannot fully understand from the textbook.
After the lecture: Review the text of the part that progressed during the lecture, referring to the textbooks, and summarize what was difficult in the lecture. In addition, students can answer quizzes and textbook questions in class and review the content of the lecture.
成績評価方法 Performance grading policy
Comprehensively evaluate from exercises, quizzes (0-20%), and in-class achievement evaluations (80-100%) conducted during the lecture time.
学修成果の評価 Evaluation of academic achievement

・S:Achieved outcomes, excellent result
・A:Achieved outcomes, good result
・B:Achieved outcomes
・C:Minimally achieved outcomes
・D:Did not achieve outcomes
・-:Failed to meet even the minimal requirements for evaluation

教科書 Textbooks/Readings
教科書の使用有無(有=Y , 無=N) Textbook used(Y for yes, N for no)
書誌情報 Bibliographic information
H. ハート/L. E. クレーン/D. J. ハート共著 ハート基礎有機化学 三訂版 培風館
H. Hart, L. E. Craine, D. J. Hart, Organic Chemistry: A Short Course, Baifukan
MyKiTSのURL(教科書販売サイト) URL for MyKiTS(textbook sales site)
教科書および一部の参考書は、MyKiTS (教科書販売サイト) から検索・購入可能です。
It is possible to search for and purchase textbooks and certain reference materials at MyKiTS (online textbook store).

参考書・その他資料 Reference and other materials

授業計画 Class plan
1  有機化学概論: 有機化合物の結合と異性を理解できる。共有結合、構造異性がわかる。

2  飽和炭化水素1: 共鳴、結合の軌道論的考え方(混成軌道)[教科書第1章1.12〜1.16]、アルカン類の命名法を理解し、物理的性質がわかる。[第2章 〜2.7まで](準備学習:講義範囲を読み、概略をノートにまとめる。復習:講義内容、準備学習の内容、講義内演習から理解する)[各1.5h]

3  飽和炭化水素2: アルカンの反応、アルカン、シクロアルカンの配座異性、幾何異性を理解できる。「第2章2.8〜2.10、2.12](準備学習:講義範囲を読み、概略をノートにまとめる。復習:講義内容、準備学習の内容、講義内演習から理解する)[各1.5h]

4  不飽和炭化水素1: アルケンの命名法と二重結合の特徴(π結合、cis-trans異性)、反応を理解できる。[第3章3.6まで](準備学習:講義範囲を読み、概略をノートにまとめる。復習:講義内容、準備学習の内容、講義内演習から理解する)[各1.5h]

5  不飽和炭化水素2: アルケンの求電子付加反応とその反応機構、ならびにホウ水素化理解できる。[第3章3.7~3.10、3.13](準備学習:講義範囲を読み、概略をノートにまとめる。復習:講義内容、準備学習の内容、講義内演習から理解する)[各1.5h]

6  不飽和炭化水素3: 共役ジエンの求電子付加反応、アルキンの命名とその性質、芳香族炭化水素の共鳴構造モデル、軌道モデルを理解できる。[第3章3.14、3.15、3.17~3.21、第4章4.5まで](準備学習:講義範囲を読み、概略をノートにまとめる。復習:講義内容、準備学習の内容、講義内演習から理解する)[各1.5h]

7 不飽和炭化水素4: 芳香族炭化水素の命名、共鳴エネルギー、求電子置換反応と反応機構(1)を理解できる。[第4章4.6~4.9](準備学習:講義範囲を読み、概略をノートにまとめる。復習:講義内容、準備学習の内容、講義内演習から理解する)[各1.5h]

8 不飽和炭化水素5: 芳香族炭化水素の求電子置換反応と反応機構(2)、芳香環を活性化する置換基、不活性化する置換基を理解できる。[第4章4.9〜4.10](準備学習:講義範囲を読み、概略をノートにまとめる。復習:講義内容、準備学習の内容、講義内演習から理解する)[各1.5h]

9 不飽和炭化水素6: 芳香族炭化水素のo-、p-配向性とm-配向性、配向効果の重要性を理解できる。[第4章4.11~4.13](準備学習:講義範囲を読み、概略をノートにまとめる。復習:講義内容、準備学習の内容、講義内演習から理解する)[各1.5h]

10 有機化合物の立体異性と光学活性: 鏡像体、不斉炭素、RーS表示法とEーZ表示法、Fischer投影式を理解できる。[第5章:〜5.7](準備学習:講義範囲を読み、概略をノートにまとめる。復習:講義内容、準備学習の内容、講義内演習から理解する)[各1.5h]

11 官能基を持つ有機化合物1: 有機ハロゲン化合物の求核置換反応(SN2)と反応機構を理解できる。[第6章6.1〜6.4](準備学習:講義範囲を読み、概略をノートにまとめる。復習:講義内容、準備学習の内容、講義内演習から理解する)[各1.5h]

12 官能基を持つ有機化合物2: 有機ハロゲン化合物の求核置換反応(SN1)と反応機構を理解できる。[第6章6.4〜6.6](準備学習:講義範囲を読み、概略をノートにまとめる。復習:講義内容、準備学習の内容、講義内演習から理解する)[各1.5h]

13 官能基を持つ有機化合物3: 有機ハロゲン化合物の脱離反応(E2)と反応機構を理解できる。[第6章6.7」(準備学習:講義範囲を読み、概略をノートにまとめる。復習:講義内容、準備学習の内容、講義内演習から理解する)[各1.5h]

14 官能基を持つ有機化合物4: 有機ハロゲン化合物の脱離反応(E1)と反応機構を理解できる。[第6章6.8」(準備学習:講義範囲を読み、概略をノートにまとめる。復習:講義内容、準備学習の内容、講義内演習から理解する)[各1.5h]

15 総合演習: 授業内到達度評価及びその解説により講義内容の修得状況を確認する。

1 Overview of organic chemistry: Understand the binding and isomerism of organic compounds. It shows covalent bond and structural isomerism.
[Up to Chapter 1.1.11] (Preparatory study: Read the textbooks and summarize the outlines in a notebook. Review: understand from lecture content, preparatory study content, and in-class exercises) [1.5h each]

2 Saturated hydrocarbons 1: Understand the orbital concept of resonance and bonding (hybrid orbitals) [Chapter 1: 1.12 to 1.16], understand the nomenclature of alkanes, and understand the physical properties. [Chapters II to 2.7] (Preparatory study: Read textbooks and summarize the outlines in the notebook. Review: understand from lecture content, preparatory study content, and in-class exercises) [1.5h each]

3 Saturated hydrocarbons 2 Understand the reactions of alkanes and the conformational and geometrical isomerism of alkanes and cycloalkanes. [Chapter 2: 2.8-2.10, 2.12] (Preparatory study: Read textbooks and summarize the outlines in the notebook. Review: understand from lecture content, preparatory study content, and in-class exercises) [1.5h each]

4 Unsaturated hydrocarbons 1 Understand alkene nomenclature, characteristics of double bonds (π bond, cis-trans isomerism), and reactions. [Up to Chapter 3, 3.6] (Preparatory study: Read textbooks and summarize the outlines in the notebook. Review: understand from lecture content, preparatory study content, and in-class exercises) [1.5h each]

5 Unsaturated hydrocarbon 2: Understand the electrophilic addition reaction of alkene and its reaction mechanism, and borohydride. [Chapter 3, 3.7-3.10, 3.13] (Preparatory study: Read textbooks and summarize the outlines in the notebook. Review: understand from lecture content, preparatory study content, and in-class exercises) [1.5h each]

6 Unsaturated hydrocarbons 3: Understand the electrophilic addition of conjugated dienes, the naming and properties of alkynes, and the resonance structure model and orbital model of aromatic hydrocarbons. [Chapter 3, Chapters 3.14, 3.15, 3.17 to 3.21, Chapter 4 to 4.5] (Preparatory study: Read textbooks and summarize the outlines in the notebook. Review: understand from lecture content, preparatory study content, and in-class exercises) [1.5h each]

7 Unsaturated hydrocarbon 4: aromatic hydrocarbon: Understand the nomenclature, resonance energy, electrophilic substitution reaction, and reaction mechanism (1). [Chapter 4, 4.6 to 4.9] (Preparatory study: Read textbooks and summarize the outlines in the notebook. Review: understand from lecture content, preparatory study content, and in-class exercises) [1.5h each]

8 Unsaturated hydrocarbon 5: aromatic hydrocarbon: Understand the electrophilic substitution reaction and reaction mechanism (2). a substituent that activates an aromatic ring, and a substituent that deactivates an aromatic ring. [Chapter 4: 4.9-4.10] (Preparatory study: Read textbooks and summarize the outlines in the notebook. Review: understand from lecture content, preparatory study content, and in-class exercises) [1.5h each]

9. Unsaturated hydrocarbon 6: aromatic hydrocarbon: Understand the importance of o-, p- and m-orientation, and the effects of orientation. [Chapters 4, 4.11 to 4.13] (Preparatory study: Read textbooks and summarize the outlines in the notebook. Review: understand from lecture content, preparatory study content, and in-class exercises) [1.5h each]

10 Stereoisomerism and optical activity of organic compounds Understand the enantiomer, asymmetric carbon, RS and EZ notation, and Fischer projection formula. [Chapter 5: ~ 5.7] (Preparatory study: Read textbooks and summarize the outlines in the notebook. Review: understand from lecture content, preparatory study content, and in-class exercises) [1.5h each]

11 Organic compounds with functional groups 1: Understand the nucleophilic substitution reaction (SN2) of organohalogen compounds and the reaction mechanism. [Chapters 6, 6.1 to 6.4] (Preparatory study: Read textbooks and summarize the outlines in the notebook.. Review: understand from lecture content, preparatory study content, and in-class exercises) [1.5h for each]

12 Organic compounds with functional groups 2: Understand the nucleophilic substitution reaction (SN1) and reaction mechanism of organic halogen compounds. [Chapter 6, 6.4 to 6.6] (Preparatory study: Read textbooks and summarize the outlines in the notebook. Review: understand from lecture content, preparatory study content, and in-class exercises) [1.5h each]

13 Organic compounds with functional groups 3: Elucidation of the elimination reaction (E2) and reaction mechanism of organic halogen compounds. [Chapter 6 6.7] (Preparatory study: Read textbooks and summarize the outlines in the notebook. Review: understand from lecture content, preparatory study content, and in-class exercises) [1.5h each]

14 Organic compounds with functional groups 4: The elimination reaction (E1) and reaction mechanism of the organic halogen compound can be understood. [Chapter 6 6.8] (Preparatory study: Read textbooks and summarize the outlines in the notebook. Review: understand from lecture content, preparatory study content, and in-class exercises) [1.5h each]

15 Comprehensive exercise Confirm the status of learning the contents of the lectures by the in-class achievement evaluation and commentary on the course.

授業担当者の実務経験 Work experience of the instructor of the class
教育用ソフトウェア Educational software

備考 Remarks