
科目授業名称(和文) Name of the subject/class (in Japanese)
科目授業名称(英文) Name of the subject/class (in English)
Chemistry of Materials 1
授業コード Class code
科目番号 Course number

勝又 健一
Ken-ichi Katsumata

2023 First Semester
Class hours
2nd Period on Tuesday

開講学科・専攻 Department
先進工学部 マテリアル創成工学科

Department of Materials Science and Technology, Faculty of Advanced Engineering
単位数 Course credit
授業の方法 Teaching method

外国語のみの科目(使用言語) Course in only foreign languages (languages)
授業の主な実施形態 Main class format
ブレンド型授業(半数回以上を対面実施)/Blended format(over 50% classes on-site)

概要 Description

In this lecture, based on appropriate theories and experimental facts of chemistry and physics, lectures will be given mainly so that the basics of the field of inorganic chemistry can be understood.
目的 Objectives

The purpose is to understand the basics of the process of further developing into materials engineering.
到達目標 Outcomes

Through the lessons, the goal is to be able to understand the basics of the electronic structure of atoms, the properties of elements based on them, the chemical bonds between atoms, and the simple structure of molecules.
履修上の注意 Course notes prerequisites
化学1,化学2(およびそれに該当する科目)を履修していること。 化学の大部分の内容は、具体的で取り組みやすく感じるが、本質にはとても難しいものがある。それらの基礎を徹底的に勉強して欲しい。そうすれば材料の研究に必要な化学の内容が、理解できるようになる。

Have taken Chemistry 1 and Chemistry 2 (and corresponding courses). Most of the content in chemistry feels concrete and easy to work with, but in essence it is very difficult. I want you to study those basics thoroughly. Then, you will be able to understand the contents of chemistry necessary for material research.
アクティブ・ラーニング科目 Teaching type(Active Learning)

準備学習・復習 Preparation and review

Materials related to the content of the lessons will be distributed through LETUS. Be sure to bring textbooks and handouts to the class to understand the content of the class. In addition, exercises related to lesson preparation or content to be reviewed will be shown throughout the lesson, so answer them by the next lesson. Be sure to work on the exercises to gain a deeper understanding of the content of the lesson.
成績評価方法 Performance grading policy

Attending all lessons, working on and answering all the exercises conducted in the lesson, and assuming that you understand the contents, you will be given an exam or report assignment that includes other lesson contents. Comprehensively evaluate grades based on the answer status of exercises, test results, and report assignments.
学修成果の評価 Evaluation of academic achievement

・S:Achieved outcomes, excellent result
・A:Achieved outcomes, good result
・B:Achieved outcomes
・C:Minimally achieved outcomes
・D:Did not achieve outcomes
・-:Failed to meet even the minimal requirements for evaluation

教科書 Textbooks/Readings
教科書の使用有無(有=Y , 無=N) Textbook used(Y for yes, N for no)
書誌情報 Bibliographic information
MyKiTSのURL(教科書販売サイト) URL for MyKiTS(textbook sales site)
教科書および一部の参考書は、MyKiTS (教科書販売サイト) から検索・購入可能です。
It is possible to search for and purchase textbooks and certain reference materials at MyKiTS (online textbook store).

参考書・その他資料 Reference and other materials

Distribute materials at LETUS.

授業計画 Class plan
1 原子の電子構造の復習I
(準備学習)復習:教科書 1.1,1.2項 [1時間]
2 原子の電子構造の復習II
(準備学習)復習:教科書 1.1,1.2項 [1時間]
3 電子配置と周期性I
(準備学習)教科書 1.3項 [1時間]
4 電子配置と周期性II
(準備学習)教科書 1.3項 [1時間]
5 電子配置と周期性III
(準備学習)教科書 2.1,2.2項 [1時間]
6 電子配置と周期性IV
(準備学習)教科書 2.3項 [1時間]
7 電子配置と周期性V
(準備学習)教科書 2.5項 [1時間]
8 化学結合
(準備学習)教科書 2.6項 [1時間]
9 原子価結合法I
(準備学習)教科書 3.1,3.2,3.3項 [1時間]
10 原子価結合法II
(準備学習)教科書 3.4項 [1時間]
11 原子価結合法III
(準備学習)教科書 3.4項 [1時間]
12 分子軌道法I
(準備学習)教科書 4.1項 [1時間]
13 分子軌道法II
(準備学習)教科書 4.2項 [1時間]
14 分子軌道法III
(準備学習)教科書 4.3項 [1時間]
15 目標の達成度を評価する試験またはレポート課題を行う。

[Items and contents]
1 Review of the electronic structure of atoms I
We will review the relationship between the electronic structure of atoms and quantum numbers.
[Extracurricular learning instructions Review: Textbooks 1.1 and 1.2]
2 Review of the electronic structure of atoms II
Review the electron density distribution, Pauli exclusion principle, and Fund's rule.
[Extracurricular learning instructions Review: Textbooks 1.1 and 1.2]
3 Electron configuration and periodicity I
Understand the effective nuclear charge and shielding effect.
[Extracurricular learning instructions: Textbook Section 1.3]
4 Electron configuration and periodicity II
Understand the penetration effect, construction principle, and structure of the periodic table.
[Extracurricular learning instructions: Textbook Section 1.3]
5 Electron configuration and periodicity III
Understanding ionization energy and electron affinity
[Instructions for extracurricular learning: Textbooks 2.1 and 2.2]
6 Electron configuration and periodicity IV
Understand electronegativity.
[Extracurricular learning instructions: Textbook Section 2.3]
7 Electron configuration and periodicity V
Understand atomic radius and ionic radius.
[Extracurricular learning instructions: Textbook Section 2.5]
8 Chemical bond
Understand the types of chemical bonds and binding energies.
[Extracurricular learning instructions: Textbook Section 2.6]
9 Valence bond method I
Understand the valence bond method and hybrid orbitals.
[Instructions for extracurricular learning: Textbooks 3.1, 3.2, 3.3]
10 Valence bond method II
Understand the hybrid orbitals of simple compounds.
[Extracurricular learning instructions: Textbook Section 3.4]
11 Valence bond method III
Understand the molecular structure of simple compounds and the VSEPR law.
[Extracurricular learning instructions: Textbook Section 3.4]
12 Molecular orbital method I
Understand the molecular orbital method and the LCAO method.
[Extracurricular learning instructions: Textbook Section 4.1]
13 Molecular orbital method II
Understand the orbital energy and bond order of equinuclear diatomic molecules.
[Extracurricular learning instructions: Textbook Section 4.2]
14 Molecular orbital method III
Understand the orbital energy and bond order of heteronuclear diatomic molecules.
[Extracurricular learning instructions: Textbook Section 4.3]
15 Conduct a test or report task to evaluate the degree of achievement of the goal.

授業担当者の実務経験 Work experience of the instructor of the class
教育用ソフトウェア Educational software

備考 Remarks