
科目授業名称(和文) Name of the subject/class (in Japanese)
科目授業名称(英文) Name of the subject/class (in English)
Advanced Polymer Chemistry A
授業コード Class code
科目番号 Course number

有光 晃二
Koji Arimitsu

2023 First Semester
Class hours
Wednesday 2nd, Period

開講学科・専攻 Department
創域理工学研究科 先端化学専攻

Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Technology
単位数 Course credit
授業の方法 Teaching method

外国語のみの科目(使用言語) Course in only foreign languages (languages)
授業の主な実施形態 Main class format
対面授業/On-site class

概要 Description


The field of functional organic polymer materials integrates various academic fields such as polymer chemistry, organic chemistry, photochemistry, and interface chemistry. It focuses on functions that are expressed only when these fields are integrated and studies the approach through materials chemistry research.
The objectives of the course are to acquire the high-level expert knowledge in each specialized field within the Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, stipulated by the diploma policy of the Department.
目的 Objectives

Students will learn the polymer chemistry and materials chemistry necessary to understand the structure of various functional organic polymer materials, and they will acquire creative thinking ability.
到達目標 Outcomes

Students will not only understand the structure of various functional organic polymer materials but will also be able to design materials in accordance with their own objectives.
履修上の注意 Course notes prerequisites
アクティブ・ラーニング科目 Teaching type(Active Learning)
課題に対する作文 Essay/小テストの実施 Quiz type test

準備学習・復習 Preparation and review

Preparatory study and review will be provided in each class. For details, see “Class Plan.”
成績評価方法 Performance grading policy


Tests (90%) and assignments (small tests, etc.) (10%)

The assignments during class will be reviewed during the following class session.
学修成果の評価 Evaluation of academic achievement

・S:Achieved outcomes, excellent result
・A:Achieved outcomes, good result
・B:Achieved outcomes
・C:Minimally achieved outcomes
・D:Did not achieve outcomes
・-:Failed to meet even the minimal requirements for evaluation

教科書 Textbooks/Readings
教科書の使用有無(有=Y , 無=N) Textbook used(Y for yes, N for no)
書誌情報 Bibliographic information
MyKiTSのURL(教科書販売サイト) URL for MyKiTS(textbook sales site)
教科書および一部の参考書は、MyKiTS (教科書販売サイト) から検索・購入可能です。
It is possible to search for and purchase textbooks and certain reference materials at MyKiTS (online textbook store).

参考書・その他資料 Reference and other materials
1) 「ベーシックマスター高分子化学」、西久保忠臣編、オーム社 (2011) ISBN978-4-274-21000-6
2) 「有機機能材料」、荒木孝二、明石 明、高原 淳、工藤一秋、東京化学同人 (2006) ISBN4-8079-0610-0
3) 「光機能化学」、市村國宏、産業図書 (1993) ISBN4-7828-3548-5
4) 「有機エレクトロニクス」、長谷川悦雄編、工業調査会 (2005) ISBN4-7693-1241-5
5) 「新版 光機能分子の化学 分子フォトニクス」、 堀江一之、牛木秀治、渡辺敏行、講談社 (2004) ISBN4-154312-1

1) Tadatomi Nishikubo (editor). Basic Master Polymer Chemistry. Ohmsha, Ltd. (2011) ISBN978-4-274-21000-6
2) Koji Araki, Akira Akashi, Atsushi Takahashi, Kazuaki Kudo. Organic Functional Materials. Tokyo Kagaku Dojin (2006) ISBN4-8079-0610-0
3) Kunihiro Ichimura. Photofunctional Chemistry. Sangyo Tosho Publishing Co., Ltd. (1993) ISBN4-7828-3548-5
4) Etsuo Hasegawa (editor). Organic Electronics. Kogyo Chosakai Publishing Co., Ltd. (2005) ISBN4-7693-1241-5
5) Kazuyuki Horie, Hideharu Ushiki, Toshiyuki Watanabe. New Edition: Chemistry of Photofunctional Molecules-Molecular Photonics. Kodansha Ltd. (2004) ISBN4-154312-1

授業計画 Class plan
1    高分子化学基礎     高分子化学と工業、高分子物性
    (復   習)高分子物性について説明できる[3時間]

2    高分子の合成1     重縮合反応、重付加反応、付加縮合による合成
    (復   習)重縮合反応、重付加反応、付加縮合の反応機構が書けるようにする[3時間]

3    高分子の合成2     ラジカル重合、ラジカル共重合
    (復   習)ラジカル重合、ラジカル共重合の反応機構が書けるようにする[3時間]

4    高分子の合成3     カチオン重合、アニオン重合
    (復   習)カチオン重合、アニオン重合の反応機構が書けるようにする[3時間]

5    高分子の合成4     開環重合、リビング重合
    (復   習)開環重合、リビング重合の反応機構が書けるようにする[3時間]

6    高分子の合成5     高分子反応、機能性高分子概論
    (復   習)高分子反応の機構、機能性高分子の構造と機能が書けるようにする[3時間]

7    有機材料と界面     水に濡れる表面と水をはじく表面
    (復   習)表面構造と濡れ性の理論的関係が書ける[3時間]

8    光硬化技術1      光硬化の基礎(光吸収と分解)、光硬化と光不溶化
    (復   習)光硬化と光不溶化の反応機構が書けるようにする[3時間]

9    光硬化技術2      光硬化機構、光開始剤と硬化不良対策
    (復   習)光開始剤の種類と硬化不良の機構が書けるようにする[3時間]

10    微細加工        半導体リソグラフィー、ナノインプリント
    (復   習)半導体リソグラフィー、ナノインプリントで利用される材料と反応機構が書けるようにする[3時間]

11    分子配向技術      光分子配向、LB膜
    (復   習)光分子配向、LB膜で利用される材料と仕組みが書けるようにする[3時間]

12    材料の光劣化と安定化  有機高分子材料の光劣化の仕組みと安定化
    (復   習)有機高分子材料の光劣化の仕組みが書けるようにする[3時間]

13   自然に学ぶ材料化学   生物の微細構造と機能、生体模倣化学
    (復   習)生物の微細構造と機能、生体模倣化学の仕組みが書けるようにする[3時間]

14 最近の光機能性有機高分子材料について解説
    (復   習)最近の光機能性有機高分子材料の構造と機能が説明できるようにする[3時間]

15 到達度評価と解説
    (復   習)高分子化学の基礎と応用が説明できるようになる[3時間]   

1 Fundamentals of polymer chemistry: Polymer chemistry and industry, polymer properties
  (Preparatory study) Be able to explain the use of polymers in industry (one hour)
(Review) Be able to explain the properties of polymers (three hours)

2 Polymer synthesis 1: Synthesis via polycondensation reactions, polyaddition reactions, and addition condensation     
(Preparatory study) Be able to explain the characteristics of polycondensation reactions, polyaddition reactions, and addition condensation (one hour)
(Review) Be able to write the reaction mechanisms for polycondensation reactions, polyaddition reactions, and addition condensation (three hours)

3  Polymer synthesis 2: Radical polymerization, radical copolymerization
(Preparatory study) Be able to explain the characteristics of radical polymerization and radical copolymerization (one hour)
(Review) Be able to reproduce the reaction mechanisms for radical polymerization and radical copolymerization (three hours)

4  Polymer synthesis 3: Cationic polymerization, anionic polymerization
(Preparatory study) Be able to explain the characteristics of cationic polymerization and anionic polymerization (one hour)
(Review) Be able to reproduce the reaction mechanisms for cationic polymerization and anionic polymerization (three hours)

5  Polymer synthesis 4: Ring-opening polymerization, living polymerization
(Preparatory study) Be able to explain the characteristics of ring-opening polymerization and living polymerization (one hour)
(Review) Be able to reproduce the reaction mechanisms for ring-opening polymerization and living polymerization (three hours)

6  Polymer synthesis 5: Overview of polymer reactions and functional polymers
(Preparatory study) Be able to explain the characteristics of polymer reactions and functional polymers (one hour)
(Review) Be able to reproduce the mechanism of polymer reactions and the structure and function of functional polymers (three hours)

7  Organic materials and surfaces: Surfaces that are wet by water and surfaces that repel water
(Preparatory study) Be able to explain hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces (one hour)
(Review) Be able to reproduce the theoretical relationship between surface structure and wettability (three hours)

8  Photocuring technology 1: Fundamentals of photocuring (light absorption and decomposition), photocuring, and photo-insolubilization
(Preparatory study) Be able to explain the fundamentals of photocuring (light absorption and decomposition) (one hour)
(Review) Be able to reproduce the reaction mechanisms for photocuring and photo-insolubilization (three hours)

9  Photocuring technology 2: Photocuring mechanism, photoinitiators, and countermeasures against poor curing
(Preparatory study) Be able to explain the photocuring mechanism, photoinitiators, and countermeasures against poor curing (one hour)
(Review) Be able to reproduce the types of photoinitiators and the mechanism of poor curing (three hours)

10   Micro-fabrication: Semiconductor lithography, nanoimprint lithography
(Preparatory study) Be able to explain semiconductor lithography and nanoimprint lithography (one hour)
(Review) Be able to reproduce the materials used in semiconductor lithography and nanoimprint lithography, and their reaction mechanisms (three hours)

11  Molecular orientation techniques: Molecular photo-orientation, LB films
(Preparatory study) Be able to explain molecular orientation techniques (one hour)
(Review) Be able to reproduce the materials used in molecular photo-orientation and LB films, and their structures (three hours)

12   Photodegradation and stabilization of materials: Structure of photodegradation of organic polymer materials and stabilization
(Preparatory study) Be able to explain photodegradation and stabilization of materials (one hour)
(Review) Be able to reproduce the structure of photodegradation of organic polymer materials (three hours)

13  Material chemistry learned from nature: Small-scale structure and function of living organisms, biomimetic chemistry
(Preparatory study) Be able to explain material chemistry learned from nature (one hour)
(Review) Be able to reproduce the small-scale structure and function of living organisms, and the structure of biomimetic chemistry (three hours)

14 Explanation of the latest photofunctional organic polymer materials
(Preparatory study) Be able to explain the latest photofunctional organic polymer materials (one hour)
(Review) Be able to explain the structure and function of the latest photofunctional organic polymer materials (three hours)

15 Final examination evaluating understanding and a commentary
(Preparatory study) Be able to explain the fundamentals and applications of polymer chemistry (one hour)
(Review) Be able to explain the fundamentals and applications of polymer chemistry (three hours)

授業担当者の実務経験 Work experience of the instructor of the class
教育用ソフトウェア Educational software

備考 Remarks