
科目授業名称(和文) Name of the subject/class (in Japanese)
科目授業名称(英文) Name of the subject/class (in English)
Building Fire Safety Plan Exercise
授業コード Class code
科目番号 Course number

水野 雅之
Masayuki Mizuno

2nd semester in FY 2023
Class hours
1st and 2nd periods on Tuesdays

開講学科・専攻 Department
創域理工学研究科 建築学専攻

Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Science and Technology
単位数 Course credit
授業の方法 Teaching method

外国語のみの科目(使用言語) Course in only foreign languages (languages)
授業の主な実施形態 Main class format
対面授業/On-site class

概要 Description
Learn basic idea of fire prevention planning in building design. Acquire application method of “HINAN KEISAN” (method of solving evacuation time and the maximum number of evacuees in escape routes based on drawing graphs on evacuation flows from rooms, and evaluation method for evacuation safety) and “Verification Method of Evacuation Safety Planning” regulated in the Notification No. 1441 and 1442 of The Ministry of Construction through practical exercises. In addition, at students’ desire, way of using BRI2002 is delivered, that is the computer program of predicting smoke movement in buildings based on the concept of two-layer zone.
目的 Objectives
Practical works of building design shall pursue not only fire safety but also visual and sensuous effects, usability, environmental performance and structural stability etc. In that case, it is not adequate for buildings to ensure enough safety by what just makes building space and specifications be adopted into laws and regulations. Because not only that building standard law in Japan is just regarded as minimum standards but also that it has an essential lack of designing action with consideration for fundamentals and principles of building fire prevention planning. In this subject, conduct practical exercises using engineering tools to prove the validity of building fire prevention planning in order to develop an ability of applying knowledge of its fundamentals and principles for building design. That is to say, this subject aims at improving practical design skills by acquiring the technique in applying engineering tools to evaluate evacuation safety.
到達目標 Outcomes
The outcomes are to acquire knowledge and technique needed to conduct business of building fire prevention planning and construction management in internships.
履修上の注意 Course notes prerequisites
Bring a scientific electronic calculator.
アクティブ・ラーニング科目 Teaching type(Active Learning)
プレゼンテーション Presentation

準備学習・復習 Preparation and review
Read materials delivered in class
成績評価方法 Performance grading policy
Evaluate assignments, presentations and responses in class and so on.
学修成果の評価 Evaluation of academic achievement

・S:Achieved outcomes, excellent result
・A:Achieved outcomes, good result
・B:Achieved outcomes
・C:Minimally achieved outcomes
・D:Did not achieve outcomes
・-:Failed to meet even the minimal requirements for evaluation

教科書 Textbooks/Readings
教科書の使用有無(有=Y , 無=N) Textbook used(Y for yes, N for no)
書誌情報 Bibliographic information
MyKiTSのURL(教科書販売サイト) URL for MyKiTS(textbook sales site)
教科書および一部の参考書は、MyKiTS (教科書販売サイト) から検索・購入可能です。
It is possible to search for and purchase textbooks and certain reference materials at MyKiTS (online textbook store).

参考書・その他資料 Reference and other materials
Materials will be provided in classes

授業計画 Class plan

第1回 : 建築防災計画・設計の考え方
第2回 : 事例に見る建築防災計画・設計
第3回 : 避難計算法(講義)
第4回 : 演習課題1:避難計算法の課題1(演習)
第5回 : 演習課題1:避難計算法の課題1(演習)・継続および講評
第6回 : 演習課題2:避難計算法の課題2(演習)
第7回 : 演習課題2:避難計算法の課題2(演習)・継続および講評
第8回 : 避難安全検証法(講義)
第9回 : 演習課題3:避難安全検証法の課題1(演習)
第10回: 演習課題3:避難安全検証法の課題1(演習)・継続
第11回: 演習課題3:避難安全検証法の課題1(演習)・継続および講評
第12回: 演習課題4:避難安全検証法の課題2(演習)
第13回: 演習課題4:避難安全検証法の課題2(演習)・継続
第14回: 演習課題4:避難安全検証法の課題2(演習)・継続および講評
第15回: 課題演習の総評

Lesson plan
1: deliver policy of building fire prevention planning
2: Discussion of cases of fire prevention planning
3: Lecture on “HINAN KEISAN” (method of solving evacuation time and the maximum number of evacuees in escape routes based on drawing graphs on evacuation flows from rooms, and evaluation method for evacuation safety)
4: Exercise 1 of applying “HINAN KEISAN”
5: Continue Exercise 1 of applying “HINAN KEISAN” and deliver feedback about the results
6: Exercise 2 of applying “HINAN KEISAN”
7: Continue Exercise 2 of applying “HINAN KEISAN” and deliver feedback about the results
8: Lecture on “Verification Method of Evacuation Safety Planning”
9: Exercise 1 of applying “Verification Method of Evacuation Safety Planning”
10: Continue Exercise 1 of applying “Verification Method of Evacuation Safety Planning”
11: Continue Exercise 1 of applying “Verification Method of Evacuation Safety Planning” and deliver feedback about the results
12: Exercise 2 of applying “Verification Method of Evacuation Safety Planning”
13: Continue Exercise 2 of applying “Verification Method of Evacuation Safety Planning”
14: Continue Exercise 2 of applying “Verification Method of Evacuation Safety Planning” and deliver feedback about the results
15: Discussion on overall exercises conducted

授業担当者の実務経験 Work experience of the instructor of the class
Practical experience as a consultant in the field of building fire safety design is used to give lectures on method of applications of “HINAN KEISAN” and “Verification Method of Evacuation Safety Planning”.
教育用ソフトウェア Educational software

備考 Remarks