
科目授業名称(和文) Name of the subject/class (in Japanese)
科目授業名称(英文) Name of the subject/class (in English)
Surface Physics
授業コード Class code
科目番号 Course number

金井 要
Kaname KANAI

2023/Second semester
Class hours
Tuesday 2nd Period

開講学科・専攻 Department
創域理工学研究科 先端物理学専攻

Department of Physics and Astronomy, Graduate School of Science and Technology
単位数 Course credit
授業の方法 Teaching method

外国語のみの科目(使用言語) Course in only foreign languages (languages)
授業の主な実施形態 Main class format
対面授業/On-site class

概要 Description

In this course, students learn the fundamental concepts of surface physics. In particular, students learn the theory of electronic structures at the surface of materials, such as metals and semiconductors, as well as the fundamentals of the methods commonly used to analyze surfaces. The field of surface physics is built on a wealth of microscopic information obtained through a variety of experiments. In this course, we also introduce the latest research in surface science.
目的 Objectives

The purpose of this lecture is to understand the surface-specific properties and electronic structures that are different from those of the bulk.
到達目標 Outcomes
1. 表面の再構成、吸着層構造の表記方法と、それを決定する実験的手法について理解する。
2. 二次元系におけるエネルギーバンド構造の成り立ちについて理解する。
3. ショックレー状態などの表面状態の成り立ちについて理解する。
4. 仕事関数の成り立ちについて理解する。
5. 光電子分光などの表面の電子構造を調べる実験的手法について理解する。
6. 分子吸着系の電子構造について理解する。 

The goal of this course is to develop the ability to apply the knowledge gained in this course to problems involving solid surfaces. 

1.To understand the notation of surface reconstruction, the structure of the adsorbed layer on the surface, and the associated experimental methods.
2.To understand the energy band structure of two-dimensional systems.
3.To understand surface states such as Shockley states.
4.To understand the concept of work function.
5.To understand the experimental methods used to investigate the electronic structure of surfaces, such as photoelectron spectroscopy.
6.To understand the electronic structure of molecular adsorption systems, especially those adsorbed on metal surfaces.
履修上の注意 Course notes prerequisites

Required to master basic knowledge in quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and solid state physics.
アクティブ・ラーニング科目 Teaching type(Active Learning)
課題に対する作文 Essay

準備学習・復習 Preparation and review

Read the lecture materials and prepare for (1.5 h) and review (1.5 h) the lectures.
成績評価方法 Performance grading policy

Evaluation based on end-term report. Example of the report will be explained in the final lecture.
学修成果の評価 Evaluation of academic achievement

・S:Achieved outcomes, excellent result
・A:Achieved outcomes, good result
・B:Achieved outcomes
・C:Minimally achieved outcomes
・D:Did not achieve outcomes
・-:Failed to meet even the minimal requirements for evaluation

教科書 Textbooks/Readings
教科書の使用有無(有=Y , 無=N) Textbook used(Y for yes, N for no)
書誌情報 Bibliographic information
MyKiTSのURL(教科書販売サイト) URL for MyKiTS(textbook sales site)
教科書および一部の参考書は、MyKiTS (教科書販売サイト) から検索・購入可能です。
It is possible to search for and purchase textbooks and certain reference materials at MyKiTS (online textbook store).

参考書・その他資料 Reference and other materials

Introductory texts to quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, solid state physics, and surface physics.

授業計画 Class plan
1. 序: 表面、界面で起こる様々な現象と、最近の表面科学の進展

2. 表面の対称性とその記法

3. 低速電子線回折法による表面構造の観測

4. 表面電子状態の理論的取り扱い(1)

5. 表面電子状態の理論的取り扱い(2)

6. 表面電子状態の理論的取り扱い(3)

7. 表面準位の成り立ちの理論的背景(1)

8. 表面準位の成り立ちの理論的背景(2)

9. 仕事関数の理論的取り扱い

10. 金属表面への分子吸着による仕事関数変化

11. 正逆光電子分光の基礎と研究例

12. 角度分解光電子分光と走査トンネル顕微鏡の基礎と研究例

13. 分子吸着系の物理(1)

14. 分子吸着系の物理(2)

15. 有機エレクトロニクスにおける表面物理学

1. Introduction: Various phenomena occurring at surfaces and interfaces, and recent progress in surface science.

2. Surface structure and crystallography: Description of the atomic structure of crystalline low-index surfaces.

3. Determination of the surface structure: Low energy electron diffraction (LEED) method and other techniques to probe surface structure.

4. Theoretical description of surface electronic structure (1): Review of energy band theory based on tight-binding model.

5. Theoretical description of surface electronic structure (2): Tight-binding model for 2-dimensional electron systems.

6. Theoretical description of surface electronic structure (3): Strongly confined 2-dimensional electronic states on metal surfaces.

7. Theoretical description of surface states (1): Shockley surface states and Rashba effect.

8. Theoretical description of surface states (2): Tamm surface state, image potential surface state, and other surface states.

9. Theoretical description of work function of metal: Exchange correlation and surface dipole.

10. Modification of work function by molecular adsorption.

11. Basics of photoemission spectroscopy (PES) and inverse photoemission spectroscopy (IPES): Direct observation of electronic structure of materials.

12. Examples of recent research experiments using angle-resolved PES and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS): Direct observation of energy band structure and Fermi surface of metals.

13. Theoretical description of adsorption of molecule on surfaces (1): Physisorption and chemisorption.

14. Theoretical description of adsorption of molecule on surfaces (2): Chemisorption of CO molecule onto Ni surface.

15. Surface physics for applied research: Interfaces between electrode and semiconductor in semiconducting devices in terms of surface physics.

授業担当者の実務経験 Work experience of the instructor of the class
教育用ソフトウェア Educational software

備考 Remarks