
科目授業名称(和文) Name of the subject/class (in Japanese)
科目授業名称(英文) Name of the subject/class (in English)
Advanced Energy System Technology
授業コード Class code
科目番号 Course number

井手本 康、郡司 天博、明石 重男、堀 洋一、板垣 昌幸、荻原 慎二、酒井 秀樹、石垣 綾、藤本 憲次郎、永田 肇、杉山 睦、竹内 謙、堂脇 清志、野島 雅、近藤 剛史、北村 尚斗、星 伸一、片山 昇、高瀬 幸造、徐 維那、髙木 優香、早瀬 仁則
Kiyoshi Dowaki, Yasushi Idemoto, Takahiro Gunji, Shigeo Akashi, Masayuki Itagaki, Shinji Ogihara, Hideki Sakai, Kenjiro Fujimoto, Hajime Nagata, Mutsumi Sugiyama, Masashi Nojima, Masanori Hayase, Naoto Kitamura, Nobukazu Hoshi, Noboru Katayama, Ken Takeuchi, Yoichi Hori, Aya Ishigaki, Kozo Takase, Takeshi Kondo, Yuna Soe

2023 First Semester
Class hours
Tuesday 1st. Period

開講学科・専攻 Department

Graduate School of Science and Technology
単位数 Course credit
授業の方法 Teaching method
外国語のみの科目(使用言語) Course in only foreign languages (languages)
授業の主な実施形態 Main class format
ハイフレックス型授業/Hybrid-Flexible format

概要 Description

This course is a subject of the Energy Environment Course, which is carried out by the faculty member of the course and external experts.
In this lecture, with respect to various engineering elemental subjects studied at the undergraduate department to date (this lecture covers the energy system, its elemental technology, and its surroundings), we look at elemental technologies, the combination of each elemental technology, considering it as a total system. We also consider the optimal system design using the energy and environmental indexes.
目的 Objectives
修士の研究の方針を決め、さらに専門家となるべく必要な知識、スキル等を明確にすることを身に付ける。本科目は、創域理工学研究科のディプロマポリシーの「修得した高度な専門知識・研究能力と教養をもとに、論理的・批判的に思考し、自ら課題を発見・設定し、解決する能力。 」に相当する科目である。

Decide on the master’s research policy, and acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to become an expert more clearly. This course is equivalent to “Advanced expertise according to the specialized field of the Department of Management Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Technology” of the department’s diploma policy.
到達目標 Outcomes

Understanding the position of each research in the area covered by the energy environment course, which is an interdisciplinary it also becomes possible to acquire the skills to evaluate the system aspect of the problem. You will be able to improve your skills in preparing papers.
履修上の注意 Course notes prerequisites

This lecture belongs to the energy environment course which is an interdisciplinary, and it is includes lecturers from other majors. In addition, because it is a universal common subject (2 credits) in the Graduate School of Science and Technology, courses other than this may be taken. This lecture uses an omnibus format, with each providing the latest research information, etc. (60 minutes) together with report preparation (30 minutes). The lecture schedule may change, so please check the lecture and bulletin board first.
アクティブ・ラーニング科目 Teaching type(Active Learning)
課題に対する作文 Essay/小テストの実施 Quiz type test/ディベート・ディスカッション Debate/Discussion/グループワーク Group work

準備学習・復習 Preparation and review
Instruction is given on the content in each lecture.
成績評価方法 Performance grading policy
Assessment is based on positive participation (discussion etc.) (20%) and reports (80%) in lectures.
学修成果の評価 Evaluation of academic achievement

・S:Achieved outcomes, excellent result
・A:Achieved outcomes, good result
・B:Achieved outcomes
・C:Minimally achieved outcomes
・D:Did not achieve outcomes
・-:Failed to meet even the minimal requirements for evaluation

教科書 Textbooks/Readings
教科書の使用有無(有=Y , 無=N) Textbook used(Y for yes, N for no)
書誌情報 Bibliographic information
MyKiTSのURL(教科書販売サイト) URL for MyKiTS(textbook sales site)
教科書および一部の参考書は、MyKiTS (教科書販売サイト) から検索・購入可能です。
It is possible to search for and purchase textbooks and certain reference materials at MyKiTS (online textbook store).

参考書・その他資料 Reference and other materials
Although not a requirement, we recommend subscribing to related papers and other materials.

授業計画 Class plan
This lecture is conducted in an omnibus format and it is provided as a relay style by each topic below. The order of each topic and schedule will be announced separately.

With the widespread use of electronic controls today, no system would work without integrated circuits. In this lecture, an overview of microfabrication technology for manufacturing integrated circuits is explained.

2. 4/18
◉インフォマティクスによる帰納的材料探索( 藤本)
Inductive material exploration using informatics
Many functional materials, including energy and environmental materials, are being explored under multi-component and/or multi-level conditions. This lecture will explain the trends in informatics research that is currently being undertaken to shorten the time required for exploration.

3. 4/25
◉ PCS(パワーコンディショナー)(星) 
◉ Power Conditioning Systems (Hoshi)
Learn the roles and basic principles of PCS (power conditioning system), which is the interface between the power grid and renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic cells, fuel cells, and batteries.

4. 5/2
◉ 環境配慮型サプライチェーン設計における現状と課題(石垣)
◉ Issues and Challenges in Designing Eco-friendly Supply Chains (Ishigaki)
Various digital technologies are applied in the design of supply chains to achieve a sustainable and environmentally conscious society. In this lecture, the current status and issues of eco-friendly supply chains is explained.

5. 5/9


大気中浮遊粒子状物質(PM)からナノ粒子まで環境から人体暴露影響について マイクロビームアナリシス法を用いた視点から講義する。 

The exposure effects of particulate matters using microbeam analysis. (Nojima)
The exposure effects of environmental particulate matters (PMs) and nano particles are discussed on the point of exposure model on tissues using microbeam analysis methods. 

6. 5/16
◉ エネルギーデバイスの評価技術(電気化学的評価法など)(板垣)
 Electrochemical Techniques to Evaluate Energy Conversion Devices (Itagaki)
The principle and applications of electrochemical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy are explained. Electrochemical monitoring as a non-destructive method is also explained.

7. 5/23
◉ リチウムイオン電池正極材料の結晶・電子構造と電池特性(井手本) 
◉ Crystal and Electronic Structure and Battery Performance of Cathode Material for Li-ion Batteries (Idemoto)
The relationship between battery performance and the average and local structure as well as electronic structure as determined by quantum beams (synchrotron X-ray and neutrons) are explained, and their relationship with the properties and characteristics of batteries is investigated.

8. 5/30
◉ 軽量構造材料の力学特性と設計(荻原)
◉ Mechanical Properties and Design of Lightweight Structural Materials (Ogihara)
Use of lightweight, high modulus and strong structural materials is increasing for energy saving in transportation and other areas. Learn about the mechanical properties and effective design methods for fiber reinforced composite materials.

9. 6/6
◉ エネルギーシステムから見た半導体光デバイス(杉山) 
◉ Semiconductor Devices for Energy Systems (Sugiyama)
From the viewpoint of the environmental issue, energy-light conversion devices such as solar cells and LEDs are explained.

10. 6/13
◉ イオン伝導性材料のナノスケール構造解析(北村) 
◉ Nanoscale Structure Analysis of Ion-Conducting Materials (Kitamura)
Inorganic oxides used in energy devices such as fuel cells and rechargeable batteries are outlined, and the relationship between atomic configurations and ionic conduction properties is explained.

11. 6/20
 Application of conductive diamond to electrochemical energy devices (Kondo)
Electrochemical properties conductive diamond electrode and its application to 
PEFC cathode catalyst support, electrochemical capacitors, and electrolytic water treatment of are explained.

12. 6/27
 Preparation of nano-materials and their properties (Gunji)
The characteristics of the preparation method and properties of materials are explained for materials to be applied as devices.

13. 7/4 明石

14. 7/11
◉ 光エネルギー変換材料開発に向けての界面化学的アプローチ(酒井) 
◉ Interfacial Chemical Approach for the Development of Light Energy Conversion Materials (Sakai)
The preparation of nano-structured titania using surfactant molecular assemblies as nano-templates and their application for visible light responsive photocatalysts and electrode materials for dye-sensitized solar cells are explained.

授業担当者の実務経験 Work experience of the instructor of the class
NEDO, Private Think Tank, RITE, University of Hawaii
教育用ソフトウェア Educational software

備考 Remarks
If a student belonging to the interdisciplinary course takes the course, please confirm the requirements of the course first. We also recommend that you also take courses on selected subjects that the faculty members manage.