
科目授業名称(和文) Name of the subject/class (in Japanese)
科目授業名称(英文) Name of the subject/class (in English)
Viscous Fluid Dynamics
授業コード Class code
科目番号 Course number

山本 誠
Makoto Yamamoto

2022 First Semester
Class hours
Thursday 3rd Period

開講学科・専攻 Department
工学部 機械工学科

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
単位数 Course credit
授業の方法 Teaching method

外国語のみの科目(使用言語) Course in only foreign languages (languages)
授業の主な実施形態 Main class format
ブレンド型授業/Blended format

概要 Description
Based on the knowledge in hydraulics and perfect fluid mechanics learned in Fundamental Fluid Dybamics, various effects of viscosity on fluid motions are phenomenologically explained. To be concrete, this lecture focuses on viscosity, boundary layer theory, Navier-Stokes equation, turbulent flow, flow control and so on.

目的 Objectives
The objective of this lecture is to deeply understand viscosity, boundary layer theory, Navier-Stokes equation, turbulent flow, flow control and the related topics. Students have to get the ability to explain them clearly.

到達目標 Outcomes
Students have to get the ability to explain viscosity, boundary layer theory, Navier-Stokes equation, turbulent flow, flow control and the related topics. In addition, students can provide any design proposal to improve fluid machinery, using Navier-Stokes equation and considering the fundamental physics in viscous flid.
履修上の注意 Course notes prerequisites
It is better for students to get the credit of Fundamental Fluid Dynamics a priori.
アクティブ・ラーニング科目 Teaching type(Active Learning)

準備学習・復習 Preparation and review
After each lecture, students must deepen his/her understanding the contents given in the lecture, using the text book and/or Internet. It is desirable for students to prepare and review each lecture for more than 2 hours.
成績評価方法 Performance grading policy
Evaluated by an internal report/test (20%) and an end-of-term test (80%)

学修成果の評価 Evaluation of academic achievement

・S:Achieved outcomes, excellent result
・A:Achieved outcomes, good result
・B:Achieved outcomes
・C:Minimally achieved outcomes
・D:Did not achieve outcomes
・-:Failed to meet even the minimal requirements for evaluation

教科書 Textbooks/Readings
教科書の使用有無(有=Y , 無=N) Textbook used(Y for yes, N for no)
書誌情報 Bibliographic information
MyKiTSのURL(教科書販売サイト) URL for MyKiTS(textbook sales site)
教科書および一部の参考書は、MyKiTS (教科書販売サイト) から検索・購入可能です。
It is possible to search for and purchase textbooks and certain reference materials at MyKiTS (online textbook store).

参考書・その他資料 Reference and other materials
Viscous Fluid Dynamics, Edited by M.Ikui and M.Inoue, Rikougakusha
Fluid Dynamics, edited by M.Hino, Asakura-shoten

授業計画 Class plan
1  ガイダンス、流体の性質
1 Guidance and Properties of fluid
After giving a guidance, properties of fluid such as difference between perfect fluid and real fluid, viscosity and compressibility are explained. Students will be able to explain the physical aspects.

2  レイノルズの相似則
2 Reynolds Similarity
Reynolds' law of similarity
Reynolds' law of similarity is derived based on phenomenology. Students will be able to explain the physical meaning of the law, and to apply it to practical problems in engineering.

3  境界層の概念と剥離現象(1)
3 Concept of boundary layer and its separation (1)
Boundary layer that appears around a body and the importance of boundary layer separation are explained. Students will be able to explain these phenomena.

4  境界層の概念と剥離現象(2)
4 Concept of boundary layer and its separation (2)
Boundary layer that appears around a body and the importance of boundary layer separation are explained. Students will be able to explain these phenomena.

5  連続の式
5 Continuity equation
Continuity equation is mathematically derived, and the physical meaning is explained. Students will be able to explain the meaning of continuity equation.

6  ナビエ・ストークス方程式(1)
6 Navier-Stokes equation (1)
Navier-Stokes equation is derived mathematically, and the physical meaning is explained. Students will be able to explain the derivation.

7  ナビエ・ストークス方程式(2)
7 Navier-Stokes equation (2)
Using Navier-Stokes equation, Reynold' law of similarity and vorticity transport equation are derived, and the physical meanings are explained. Students will be able to explain how to use Navier-Stokes equation.

8  ストークス近似
8 Stokes' approximation
Applying Stokes' approximation to Navier-Stokes equation, Stokes equation is derived. In addition, the practical application of Stokes' equation is explained. Students will be able to explain Stokes' approximation and Stokes' flow.

9  層流境界層と遷移
9 Laminar boundary layer and transition
Concept of boundary layer approximation and its application to Navier-Stokes equation are explained. As a result, boundary layer equation is derived. In addition, Characteristics of laminar boundary layer and its transition to turbulent flow is explained. Students will be able to explain the boundary layer equation.

10 乱流境界層(1)
10 Turbulent boundary layer (1)
The definition of turbulent flow, the derivation of Reynold-averaged Navier-Stokes equation and its boundary layer approximation are explained. Students will be able to explain what turbulent flow is.

11 乱流境界層(2)
11 Turbulent boundary layer (2)
To estimate Reynolds stress that appears in Reynold-averaged Navier-Stokes equation, Prandtl's mixing length hypothesis is explained. Students will be able to explain the estimation method for Reynolds stress.

12 乱流境界層(3)
12 Turbulent boundary layer (3)
Mean characteristics of turbulent boundary layer such as power law and logarithmic law are explained. Students will be able to explain the mean characteristics of turbulent boundary layer.

13 乱流境界層(4)
13 Turbulent boundary layer (4)
Phenomena occurring in turbulent boundary layer are introduced, and the flow structures in turbulent boundary layer is explained. Students will be able to explain the phenomena in turbulent boundary layer.

14 流れ制御
14 Flow control
Various flow control methods and their application in engineering are explained. Students will be able to explain how to control boundary layers and how to suppress energy loss.

15 到達度評価及びまとめ
15 Achievement test and summary
Achievement test is performed. Reviewing all lessons, this lecture is summarized.

授業担当者の実務経験 Work experience of the instructor of the class
Aerodynamic design of jet engines for 3 years in a heavy-industry company
教育用ソフトウェア Educational software

備考 Remarks