
科目授業名称(和文) Name of the subject/class (in Japanese)
特別研究1A (櫻井)
科目授業名称(英文) Name of the subject/class (in English)
Advanced Research 1A (櫻井)
授業コード Class code
科目番号 Course number

櫻井 雅之
Masayuki Sakurai

2023 First Semester
Class hours
Intensive Courses

開講学科・専攻 Department
生命科学研究科 生命科学専攻

Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Biological Sciences
単位数 Course credit
授業の方法 Teaching method

Graduation research
外国語のみの科目(使用言語) Course in only foreign languages (languages)
授業の主な実施形態 Main class format
対面授業/On-site class

概要 Description

It is necessary to understand life phenomena from the viewpoints of both changes (causes and consequences) from death to birth, and the mechanisms that carry out this. To elucidate cell-fate regulation mechanisms, we perform research projects mainly for RNA, including genomic DNA transcription, epigenetics, RNA processing, protein function regulation, cell phenotypes. Especially we are focusing on the most upstream regulator such as genomic DNA and RNA base editing machinery that control the biological molecular mechanisms for maintaining the normal cell state and the onset of disease due to the breakdown of them.
目的 Objectives


You will learn the principles and techniques of experiments focusing on molecular and cell biological techniques necessary for understanding the biological phenomena from the molecular level to the cellular level, with the help of professional scientists. Additionally, you will learn knowledge and research techniques in molecular and cell biology, biochemistry, immunology, genetics, etc..You will acquire the ability to present research results at department meetings and academic conferences. You will learn the importance and the way of recording research activities and predicting the best and worst-case scenarios so that you can gain new observations. You will acquire the ability to take the initiative in interpreting results, finding problems, and planning troubleshooting. You will be able to essential skills such as reporting, contacting and consulting with leaders and lab members. In this way, you will develop your skills in research and the real world while enjoying your research by feeling the joy to satisfy your curiosity and make an achievement with your own efforts with colleagues.
到達目標 Outcomes

Students will acquire necessary knowledge, principles, how to manage research records, solve problems. Students will be able to perform convincing presentations and explanations to others, by acquiring multi-angle viewpoints and interpretation skills through conducting experiments to achieve research goals. Students will be able to acquire and improve practical skills and abilities required not only in an academic research field, but also in the real world. Students’ will be able to accomplish a defencing presentation meeting in the master's course.
履修上の注意 Course notes prerequisites

Participate in weekly research progress meetings and study sessions in addition to daily research activities. Share information through exchanges with instructors and lab members. Set your own goals also by yourself and always keep in mind time and efficiency. Pay attention to physical and mental health management, and if you find a problem, do not hesitate to consult with your supervisor.
アクティブ・ラーニング科目 Teaching type(Active Learning)
ディベート・ディスカッション Debate/Discussion/プレゼンテーション Presentation

準備学習・復習 Preparation and review

Students are encouraged to make use of the above software and obtain knowledge from materials related to your research to understand the principles and meanings of experimental procedures and conditions. Students are encouraged to keep in mind the achievement of milestones in a panoramic view of the project, assuming the best and worst, predict 2 or 3 steps ahead, and try to set conditions to decrease meaningless works. During the experiment, students should record any notice and unanticipated things to refer to them later. After each experiment, students should analyze data and try to compare with past data and related literature, interpret and consider the results deeply, and have an idea of the next move. With those student’s opinions, discussion with the supervisor will be more smooth and meaningful for students.
成績評価方法 Performance grading policy
Comprehensively judge research attitude and research outcome.
学修成果の評価 Evaluation of academic achievement

・S:Achieved outcomes, excellent result
・A:Achieved outcomes, good result
・B:Achieved outcomes
・C:Minimally achieved outcomes
・D:Did not achieve outcomes
・-:Failed to meet even the minimal requirements for evaluation

教科書 Textbooks/Readings
教科書の使用有無(有=Y , 無=N) Textbook used(Y for yes, N for no)
書誌情報 Bibliographic information
MyKiTSのURL(教科書販売サイト) URL for MyKiTS(textbook sales site)
教科書および一部の参考書は、MyKiTS (教科書販売サイト) から検索・購入可能です。
It is possible to search for and purchase textbooks and certain reference materials at MyKiTS (online textbook store).

参考書・その他資料 Reference and other materials

Make use of obtainable scientific papers, reviews and reference books on research from shared information from lab members. Read the references and some of the reference books specified by the instructor.

授業計画 Class plan

【Points of Research Plans】
1) Participate in weekly research progress meetings and study sessions in addition to daily research.
2) Share information through frequent communications with supervisors and lab members.
3) Set your own goals, and always keep in mind and manage time and efficiency.
4) Pay attention to physical and mental health management, and if you notice a problem, do not hesitate to consult with your supervisors.
5) Be aware that the research you are in charge is entirely new, and you should be the person who knows about your study in the world, and be proud of your research activity because it has the potential to rewrite the textbooks.

1. 生命科学の基礎的研究手法の習得: 分子生物学的実験手法について、DNA、RNA、タンパク質の性質を学び、精製法と解析法の原理を理解する。
2. 生命科学の基礎的研究手法の習得:大腸菌の培養、プラスミドの調製ができる。
3. 生命科学の基礎的研究手法の習得:PCRによるDNA増幅とその解析ができる。
4. 生命科学基礎的研究手法の習得:DNA組換え、形質転換、プラスミドの解析ができる。
5. 生命科学基礎的研究手法の習得:無菌的細胞培養操作を習得する。
6. 生命科学基礎的研究手法の習得:培養細胞からのRNA及びタンパク質画分の精製を習得する。
7. 生命科学基礎的研究手法の習得:RNAの調製とRT-PCRによるcDNAの作製ができる。
8. 生命科学基礎的研究手法の習得:Real-Time PCRによるmRNA発現解析ができる。
9. 研究テーマの立案:研究室で進行中の研究を把握し、関連論文を参考にして、自分の研究テーマを1つ以上立案する。
10. 研究計画:研究目標を定め、それに対する研究計画を立てる。
11. 研究計画:具体的な実験計画を立て、必要な材料や技術について準備する。
12. 研究計画の実行:研究材料を準備し、実験を開始する。
13. 研究計画の実行:計画どおりに実験を進め、それまでのデータを纏めて報告し、研究室のメンバーと議論し、必要なら計画を軌道修正する。
14. 研究計画の実行:さらに実験を進める。
15. 研究のまとめ:データをまとめて、結果を研究報告会で報告する。

【Class Schedules]
1st. Learning basic techniques in life science research filed: Learn experimental techniques in molecular biology such as DNA, RNA, and proteins in terms of chemical property, purification methodology, and analytical methodology.
2nd. Learning basic techniques in life science research filed: Learn basic techniques in genetic engineering and acquire skills for E.coli culturing and plasmid preparation.
3rd. Learning basic techniques in life science research filed: Acquire PCR amplification techniques of DNA and how to analyze results.
4th. Learning basic techniques in life science research filed: Acquire skills for DNA recombination and transformation of E.coli with a plasmid.
5th. Learning basic techniques in life science research filed: Learn mammalian cell culture techniques.
6th. Learning basic techniques in life science research filed: Acquire skills for RNA, DNA and protein extraction from cultured cells.
7th. Learning basic techniques in life science research filed: Acquire skills for RNA purification and reverse transcription techniques.
8th. Learning basic techniques in life science research filed: Acquire skills for quantitative PCR method to evaluate mRNA expression levels.
9th. Exploring a new idea of study: Understand on-going projects in the laboratory, and then propose a new project by reading published papers in relating fields.
10th. Setting a practical goal of the new research idea and designing of research schedule.
11th. Planning detailed experimental procedures and schedules to accomplish the goal.
12th. Prepare required materials and perform designed research plan.
13th. Perform designed research plan, analyze obtained data, and discuss with laboratory members whether current strategy is appropriate.
14th. Advance research plan by recruiting appropriate plan modifications discussed above.
15th. Summarize analyzed data and perform presentation at research progress meetings.

遺伝子の研究において、「生命のセントラルドグマ: DNAから適宜必要な遺伝子をRNAへと転写し、機能発現体であるタンパク質を産生する遺伝子発現の流れ」の理解と解明は必要不可欠である。しかし我々は現在、DNAに記載されている遺伝子情報がDNAまたはRNAの段階で書き換えられる機構を発見し、さらにRNAがDNAからの遺伝子発現を制御する機構の解明に取り組んでいる。本内容は、これまでの教科書にある直線的なセントラルドグマの概念を一新するものであり、生命科学研究及び遺伝子の異常による疾患原因究明におけるパラダイムシフトを引き起こしうるほどの重要性を持つ。本授業計画はこれらの研究を推進しつつ、修士課程の学生としての達成目標を成し遂げるものである。

【Research field】
We are performing study projects to understand the changes and mechanisms of life phenomena at each stage of cell-life such as from development to death, and at each scales such as from the biomolecule, genome, RNA, protein, cell, tissue, organ, and a living organism. We also trying to invent new technologies for analysis or controlling those mechanisms.
In gene study, understanding and elucidation of “Central dogma of life: the flow of gene expression that transcribes necessary genes from DNA into RNA as appropriate and produces proteins that are functional expressors” is essential. However, we have now discovered a mechanism by which the genetic information described in DNA can be rewritten at the DNA or RNA stage, and we are working on elucidating the mechanism by which RNA controls gene expression from DNA. This content is a renewal of the concept of linear central dogma in current textbooks, and it can even cause a paradigm shift in life science research and investigation of disease causes due to genetic abnormalities. Above lesson plan aims to achieve the goals of the master's student while promoting these studies.

授業担当者の実務経験 Work experience of the instructor of the class
教育用ソフトウェア Educational software
情報記録及び共有を円滑にするソフトウェア(Slack, Zoom, Microsoft Powerpoint Office, OneNote, Evernote, Dropbox, Box, Papers)の活用により、研究推進に必要な科学論文と確立した実権プロトコルの情報共有、及び詳細な研究方針及び実験条件とトラブルシューティングに関する相談と議論、さらに研究室の運営管理と雰囲気をメンバーと協力して向上することを推進する。また、これらの意見と情報を記録管理して閲覧可能として二度手間を減らし、研究活動の効

備考 Remarks