
科目授業名称(和文) Name of the subject/class (in Japanese)
スタートアップサイエンス (春)
科目授業名称(英文) Name of the subject/class (in English)
Startup Science (春)
授業コード Class code
科目番号 Course number

岸本 太一、中山 裕香子、青木 英彦
Hidehiko Aoki, Taichi Kishimoto,Yukako Nakayama,

2023 Spring Semester
Class hours
See the class schedule of the Professional Graduate School.

開講学科・専攻 Department
経営学研究科 技術経営専攻

Department of Management of Technology, Graduate School of Management
単位数 Course credit
授業の方法 Teaching method

外国語のみの科目(使用言語) Course in only foreign languages (languages)
授業の主な実施形態 Main class format
ハイフレックス型授業/Hybrid-Flexible format

概要 Description

Based on the purpose of establishing this course and the connection with the purpose of the major, students will learn about certain patterns and common sense regarding entrepreneurship. Acquire the practical skills for problem solving while learning about the specialized knowledge and practices necessary for starting a business as scientifically as possible.
Entrepreneurship and startups are the goals of MOT, but Japan's entrepreneurship rate is the lowest in the world.
After introducing an overview of startups, in order to get used to starting a business, students will gain experience through entrepreneurship experience exercises and case studies of Tokyo University of Science (TUS) Investment Managements, TUS-launched ventures, and other guest speakers. At the same time, learn how to present ideas such as concept creation.
目的 Objectives
  • 本科目は、専門科目であり、ディプロマ・ポリシーの1〜3の⼒をつける。
  • 教育領域におけるCEO/COO、CHRO、企業家、その他CXO/ステークフォルダー的知見を身につける。
  • スタートアップの成功確率を高めるプロセスを理解するとともに、起業家とのディスカッションを通じ、起業家精神と事業モデルの目利き力を養う。また、学生自ら起業アイディアを発案・発表・議論することを通じ、起業の現実を体験し、自ら起業によりイノベーターとなる力、また、起業家やスタートアップに対する目利き力を養う。

This course is a specialized course, and will build the skills 1 to 3 of Diploma Policy.

 Acquire CEO/COO, CHRO, entrepreneur, and other CXO/stakeholder knowledge in the education field.

 Understand the process of increasing the success rate of startups, and cultivate entrepreneurial spirit and the ability to discern business models through discussions with entrepreneurs. In addition, through proposing, presenting, and discussing entrepreneurial ideas, students will experience the reality of entrepreneurship, cultivate the ability to become innovators by starting their own businesses, and develop the ability to discern entrepreneurs and startups.

到達目標 Outcomes

Aim to cultivate the following abilities. (1) Be able to clearly describe and discuss the factors of startup success in light of the context of your company and yourself. (2) Ability to come up with attractive business ideas and present them persuasively based on experiences gained through discussions with entrepreneurs.

履修上の注意 Course notes prerequisites
  • 関連科目:イノベーションエコシステム、ビジョナリー・アート・妄想力、新規事業戦略、価値創造
  • 内容を⼀部変更する場合もあり。
  • 本講義課題として提出するレポートは本科目履修生に共有することを原則とする。

Related subjects: Innovation ecosystems, Visionary, art and delusion thinking, New business strategy, Value Creation

Some contents may be changed.

As a general rule, reports submitted as assignments for this course should be shared with students taking this course.

アクティブ・ラーニング科目 Teaching type(Active Learning)
課題に対する作文 Essay/ディベート・ディスカッション Debate/Discussion/グループワーク Group work/プレゼンテーション Presentation

準備学習・復習 Preparation and review
  • 各週回に資料がある場合は、2日前をめどに配信する。配信資料を手掛かりに広く議論できる準備を行うこと
  • 毎週回でレポートを課し、授業復習に代わる学習と位置づける。

If there are handouts for each week, they will be posted in 2 days advance. Prepare for a wide range of discussions using these as clues.

There is a report assignment every week and position it as a learning alternative to class review.

成績評価方法 Performance grading policy
  • 成績評価は主に主担当が行う。
  • 授業への貢献度(授業の概要、目的を踏まえた、議論を発展させる質の良い発言・コメント、質問 等)30%
  • レポート(授業後に課す)30%
  • グループ発表40%
  • 授業貢献は、各回の履修生による投票をベースとする。
  • レポートのフィードバックは授業中に取り上げることをもって行う。

Grade evaluation is mainly done by the main teacher in charge.

Class contribution (high-quality remarks, comments, questions, etc. that develop discussion based on class outline and purpose) 30%

Report (imposed after class) 30%

Group presentation 40%

Class contributions are based on votes by students each time.

Give feedback on the report by taking it up in class.

学修成果の評価 Evaluation of academic achievement
 本科目の評価は、相対評価とする。


 Relative evaluation is adopted in this course.

・S:Achieved outcomes, excellent result
・A:Achieved outcomes, good result
・B:Achieved outcomes
・C:Minimally achieved outcomes
・D:Did not achieve outcomes
・-:Failed to meet even the minimal requirements for evaluation

教科書 Textbooks/Readings
教科書の使用有無(有=Y , 無=N) Textbook used(Y for yes, N for no)
書誌情報 Bibliographic information
MyKiTSのURL(教科書販売サイト) URL for MyKiTS(textbook sales site)
教科書および一部の参考書は、MyKiTS (教科書販売サイト) から検索・購入可能です。
It is possible to search for and purchase textbooks and certain reference materials at MyKiTS (online textbook store).

参考書・その他資料 Reference and other materials

Hard Things(ベン ホロウィッツ)
ルーンショット(サフィ バーコール)

“Startup Science” (Written by Masayuki Tadokoro)
"Hard Things” (Written by Ben Horowitz)
“Loon Shot” (Written by Safi Bahcall)

授業計画 Class plan








・ウィンワークス株式会社 代表取締役会長 渡邊邦昭様
「Chat GPT時代のマネジメントの役割」と題し、生成AIがマネジメントに与える影響などについてご講義いただく

・Pre Arch代表取締役社長 山本貴博先生
大学発ベンチャーPre Arch社の概要と大学発ベンチャー固有の機会と課題などについてご講義いただく

・株式会社情報工場 代表取締役社長 藤井徳久様

・理科大イノベーションキャピタル 代表取締役社長 片寄裕市様


[Class form]

Theory 30: Case 0: Group discussion 40: Guest 30: Field trip 00 (%)
Based on the outline and purpose of the subject, we will invite guest speakers who have entrepreneurial experience and ability to judge business opportunities.

[Class plan]

1. 4/4 [Introduction] Aoki and Nakayama
(a) Outline of the lecture
(b) Vital points for creating Startup ideas

2. 4/11 [Lecture/Discussion] Aoki and Kishimoto
(a) “Startup Science”
Presenting a “scientific” entrepreneurial foundation and framework to avoid failures

3. 4/18 [Lecture/Discussion] Aoki and Kishimoto
(a) Management skills required for startups and their division of tasks

4. 4/25 [Lecture/Discussion] Nakayama and Aoki
(a) Case studies of advanced business models
(b) Concept Creation Theory

5. 5/9[Guest & Discussion] Aoki, Nakayama, Kishimoto
・ Winworks Co., Ltd. Chairman Kuniaki Watanabe
Lecture titled "The Role of Management in the Chat GPT Era" on the impact of generative AI on management

6. 5/16 [Guest & Discussion] Aoki, Nakayama, Kishimoto
(a) Pre Arch President Takahiro Yamamoto
A lecture on the overview of the university-originated venture Pre Arch and the unique opportunities and challenges of the university-originated venture

7. 5/23 [Guest & Discussion] Aoki and Kishimoto
(a) Mr. Norihisa Fujii, President of Joho Kojo Co., Ltd.
We will talk about the fierce reality of starting a business from scratch and discuss the key to overcoming adversity.

8. 5/30 [Guest & Discussion] Aoki and Nakayama
Mr. Yuichi Katayori, President of Science University Innovation Capital
Lecture on the activities and discerning power of university VCs under the title of "Creation of Innovation by Tokyo University of Science - Activation and Challenges of the Venture Ecosystem - (Tentative)"

9. 6/6 [Group presentation] Aoki, Nakayama, Kishimoto
(a) Presentation of entrepreneurial ideas

授業担当者の実務経験 Work experience of the instructor of the class




Hidehiko Aoki: Until August 2020, engaged in securities analyst work in charge of the retail industry for a total of 31 years. He has a wide range of personal networks in industries such as retail, food, consumer goods, IT, and logistics, and tries to combine theory with the field/reality in his lectures.

Yukako Nakayama:

Utilizing her work experience as a researcher and consultant (information and communication system, distribution service system) at Nomura Research Institute, she will give lectures on new values, business models, and digitization strategies brought about by digitization.

教育用ソフトウェア Educational software

備考 Remarks